But, when you take a quake chart and compare it to the natal chart of a city or country, some indicators do appear. I have collected thousands of them and studied hundreds of them to no avail. Charts of quakes by themselves are of no predictive value. To accurately predict earthquakes using astrology, the astrological charts of quakes must be studied in relation to the natal charts of cities or nations that are affected by the quake. And what about other natural disasters such as volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, or tornadoes? The answer is the same for any kind of catastrophe.
But how can you accurately predict an earthquake when each year there are about 50,000 felt worldwide? They are a daily event, about 25 per hour on average, 3 of which are felt. Can astrology be used to accurately predict when that “big one” is going to occur? For centuries, astrologers have tried to predict earthquakes.
Sooner or later, the earth is going to shake causing massive damage and loss of life.